Bearing in mind how long ago this was written it only goes to show that the fight is an eternal one.
Well done Amanda Thatcher.
"...for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness in high places...." Ephesians.
Maggie certainly did that. She brought down the Iron Curtain, ended union thuggery and its Soviet lackies like Jack Jones.
As a note to this day. My mother died on the same day as Maggie, a year ago, and her funeral was, again, on the same date as Maggies. They were also a year apart in age.
No coincidence.
They were both hard working, decent people who strove for their family and friends.
My mother was no politician, just a loving wife and mother, someone who kept our home together through difficult times, handicapped by deafness and a resultant poor education until the age of 14 when the factory beckoned and the War against National Socialism began.
She worked hard, as did my father, to keep a roof over our heads during my fathers years of illness and the interminable strikes at "The Austin" that made so many of our community suffer rent/mortgage arrears, no money for food and only union thugs to deal with if you tried to stand up for yourself and your neighbours.
Those memories are indelibly etched in my memory. and why the line from Ephesians above strikes such a chord.
So, these dates will be doubly important and memorable to me.