Saturday, 7 May 2011

Conservatives defy gravity

So, after a spiteful and negative campaign from Labour, lies about the cuts THEY would have made (£7 of every £8 the coalition is making) and the entire shadow cabinet supporting AV we have the result.

Ugly bugger isn't he.

2/3 of the electorate rejected AV.

Scotland rejected the Labour Party and overwhelmingly voted SNP - despite Labour having "designed" the Scottish electoral system so that the SNP would NEVER get a majority (so much for Labours democratic "credentials").

More people voted Conservative than Labour. The Conservatives INCREASED the number of councils they control.

The only reason Labour had any gains were due to disaffected LibDems switching votes - surely not "bankers" for a General Election - easy come - easy go !

And where were the gains made? In Northern/Midland cities - full of Labours underclass, Labours public sector workers and Labours tame ethnic "communities". - imported into the UK for just that purpose.

BUT now Labour councils will have to bear the consequences of power - take responsibility for how they handle the cuts, how they innovate and how they treat the people who voted for them.

Now, roll on the referendum for Scottish independence and/or a denial of the rights of Scots and Welsh MP's to vote on English only matters in Parliament.

Roll on the equalisation of constituency sizes.

Roll on the mass inflow of Tory peers to counter Labours gerrymandering of the Lords.

Roll on extensive investigations of Labour voting fraud.

Roll on the new controls on strikes not supported by more than 50% union members.

Roll on Third World immigration controls.


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