Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Prepping - my thoughts since my last post

As I said before, I thought US Preppers was something to laugh at. Just paranoid people.

But the UK riots, terrorism, environmental issues and particularly the threatened Syria war (and its ramifications~) have made me think afresh.

Firstly I should say that I have always been a prepper - I just didn't know it!

But lets consider what it is.

It's simply insurance and who doesn't take that out?

Example:- You insure your home. That covers such things as floods, earthquake, fire, theft etc etc.

But what if there was a serious flood - we have had a few over the last few years. Yes, you can get the damage repaired, eventually, by the insurance company. But before then you could be stranded with no electricity, clean water or ability to get food and cook it. That is a very real possibility. Think of all the floods in the UK, Australia and New Orleans.

It is sensible insurance to have a supply of food, water, fuel and a means to keep warm etc.

Thats prepping!

Now for me.

Ever since childhood I have loved the outdoors and wandered miles through the woods and farmland. I became a very competent fisherman - winning good money in competitions from the age of 12.

I was always "Army Barmy". Loved my guns and knives from age 5.

I joined the Territorial Army, kept fit, learnt hill climbing, camping, orienteering and survival/evasion skills.

I am a pretty sharp sporting shot at both moving and static targets and have accumulated shotguns, rifle, air rifles etc.

I am an accomplished, if reluctant, DIYer.

I always carried a small GOOD* bag, just never thought of it that way - it was just a bag of "essentials".

I have studied self sufficiency and have a farm in France that could easily become a smallholding should I need to go down that road.

I can cook, prepare/preserve food, understand nutrition.

So, I only need to have a focus for those skills and BINGO I'm a prepper! I even have all the gear...

I just woke up and realised that over the years I have unconsciously acquired all the skills and kit required.


~ Ramifications = Distrust in our politicians, potential for war, home grown terror and consequent civil unrest

* GOOD = Get Out Of Dodge

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